Saturday, November 17, 2007

The Musical Rent

My daughter and I just finished watching RENT for the hundredth time. It always amazes me how in the movie the way it shows diversity and how people over come those struggles. As different as each of the charachters life styles are they became a family. They had problems but they still overcome those problems when the going got tough.

I only wish that reality was the same. Too many people bolt out of peoples lives the second things go wrong. Then try to reappear the second things are going good. Why is that? Doesn't friendship mean more than a casual glance? Shouldn't we want to be there through good and bad?

I have only had 2 true friends in my life. The one friend died 7 yrs ago on November 15, 2000. This was the one who knew every detail of my life and everyone good and bad in my life. She never judged me and was always straight forward with me no matter what. She never hem hawed to keep from hurting me. She knew that I only wanted the truth and she wanted the same from me. If it hurt the other's feelings then we still knew that we would still be there. We would just need a couple of days to work through what happened.

The other one I have known since I was 12 and even though we had periods we didn't speak (mainly because of our ex's which is another blog altogether) when we saw each other again we started right back where we left off. Being friends in the good and the bad.

That is what being a true friend is all about. Being there for the good the bad, the happy times the sad times, leaning an ear to listen and a shoulder to cry on. But few people in this world have an opportunity to find that type of relationship with another human being. When things go good who is the first person you want to call? Who do you wish was the person who was with you when it happens? When things are bad who do you call to help you through it? If you can sit
back and think about it you may have that type of person in your life and not even know it. Take time today and let whoever that friend(s) is/are know how much they mean to you. Remember something could happen today/tomorrow/this second and you not have another to let them know.

Thank you Kimi and Cathy for being that friend.


Practically Perfect In Every Way said...

I am so sorry about your friend you lost, she sounds wonderful. Thank God for true blue friends. I am so thankful for my sisters, we may get mad or irritated, but we can't get rid of eachother.

Mom of 3 boys said...

I will always be there for you, even though we are not blood sisters, we are true sisters and best friends...forever...remember junior high...well maybe we can forget some of those times....hahahahaha. Love ya Kimi